
Name: ChartAI

Contract Address: TBA

Ticker: $CAI

Tax on buys and sells 4% development 1% marketing

Utilities: Governance, Governance will allow you as a holder to take decisions in further ChartAI development.

Currency for the bot tier system for revenue generation, you can pay in $CAI your premium bot subscription. Currency in the ETH chain, swap your $CAI as our contract have 0% swap tax.

ChartAI Robot development: The taxation system of the smart contract of $CAI allow us to collect tax to develop and pay the infraestructure of the ChartAI robot and to make a free available version for everyone.

ChartAI Marketing development: We need to get the word out as one. The smart contract includes a tax that goes to market the $CAI utilities and serivce for traders and investors.

Last updated